piece of writings (or craps should i say,) that i don't know with whom i should share with!!
Thursday, December 24
full with 'drama'
due to my lazyness,
im not gonna type all the drama that happen
cukupla sekadar dlm kepala
THANX a lot to my FRIENDS
for ur care
and for staying beside me
when i thought i could solve it myself
not to burden others
u guys helped me
and made it a lot more easier
and somehow it felt like family
THANX again
really terharu that night
huhu..(nk wat smiley tp x jmpe)
really appreciate it..
Wednesday, December 9
is this some sort of denial???i dont know either..been stressing out lately
and i cant figure out why...sigh~
these are the stuff i've been doing as an excuse not to face the assignment..
- writing this post(obviously)
- facebooking
- checking the emails 9-10 times
- read the forums on LSE
- washing the dishes
- house hunting
- facebooking (again?)
- stalking my partner's fb..
- watching video clips
- have i mentioned replying my emails??
- watch movies
- playing with things around me..
and the list goes on....
*loves the title of this post...kinda remind me of someone's name....
Wednesday, November 18
ethics class
Curiously, he asked us whether we(islam) can adopt children and we answered yes! And he asked us what's the difference between adopted child and the child produced from IVF using donors' sperm/egg?? and i answered that the child produced are outside of marriage ,which is prohibited...and then he asked again, "so, it is similar to adultery??as if the child was created from adultery??" and i, without thinking much, nodded my head..
He then said something about the history of adultery, which i can't remember and said that adultery was prohibited because it is like breaking a promise to your partner and bla bla bla (i didn't pay any attention during this part). he asked again, saying that people enjoy the thing when they commit adultery but IVF is not an 'enjoyable' process. in fact, it is a difficult process."
I was thinking about telling him that IVF using donor's sperms/eggs will going to make the 'keturunan' thing get more complicated (you know, marriage between siblings can occur ) but i don't know how to use the correct sentence to make him understand. So i hesitated. Then Iiman
explained to him about the 'keturunan' thing and the marriage between siblings, which made me rase lega cause somebody was there to explained it to him..
Being an ethics tutor had somehow developed his critical thinking, so he asked again, what if the NHS system can ensure you that the donor will not be someone related to you, and the marriage between siblings can be avoided??err.... *complete silence* Fandi tried to explain about the naming in islam (bin/binti), saying that there will be some confusion in it but somehow i think it is not enough to convince him...
i felt very frustrated (geram sangat2) to myself because i am unable to explain those stuff to the tutor, which may trigger him to think about the beauty of islam..nampak sangat x ckup ilmu even to explain simple thing like that..haih~i need to learn more....
oh, yeah..by the way, the debate topics were very interesting..it was different with our(malay) thinking..somehow it has trigger my mind to think from the point of view of other people(locals especially) and some issues here. these are the topics:
- this house believes that Parliament should pass a law permitting the sale of non-regenerative organs
- this house believes that couples should not get cheaper IVF treatment in return for egg donation
- this house believes that the UK should adopt an opt-out system for cadaveric organ donation (trust me, opt-out system was very interesting!!!)
- this house believes that embryos should not be created unless it is intended that they be implanted
- this house believes that there should be no need for consent for the use of anonimysed human tissue for research once it has been legitimatey taken as a pathological specimen
you guys should take some times and think about these topics so that you can activate your critical thinking..(yeah, it is like the TOK thingie...)
Saturday, November 14
Sedarllah diri Syamin!!!
I visited at a friend's hostel in castle leazes just now. It was then it dawned upon me that I am wrong. Very wrong indeed. I failed to look on the situation from different side of view. I failed to understand what they felt (empathy). I failed to consider their situation. I failed to fullfill these criteria, which is the criteria of a good doctor.
Just then, it struck me that I was bragging over the rezeki that I have. They don't have the large and comfy flat the way I have it. They don't have the opportunity to cook the way I do. They don't have the peacefullness the way I do. They don't have the comfortable zone, being surrounded with familiar faces the way I do. I realized that I am not being grateful towards the 'nikmat' that Allah SWT gave me. Instead, I was bragging over it by looking down on them. I was 'takabur with all the things or 'kemudahan' that i've got.
And I was grateful to Allah SWT for the opportunity for me to 'menyedarkan diri'. Syukur Alhamdulillah. And also to all the things that make my life much more easier. Thank you Allah..
Tuesday, November 10
2 x 5 ???
Thus, I was expecting the patient (to be professional, lets call him Mr. X) to have jolly expression and eager to talk to us. Mr. X is not the type of person that shares things with you. He answered all the questions that with a simple sentence and didn't elaborate more (even to an open questions!!). In malay we called it as 'tanye sepatah, jawab sepatah'. Hurm..maybe he was having difficulty with his speech, I mean, he had a stroke! well of course that had somehow affected him in terms of talking and limits his activity. But I can't hide my dissapointment knowing that the other students were excited and were having fun interviewing their patient. Haih~ What can I do, I just can't hear any whispering from the lady luck...
Back at home, I was thinking about the patient's atitude and behavior. On reflection (Bradley will love this!!) I realised that his behavior is just the same as mine. Being an introvert person, hesitate to share anything about yourself because you thought it won't make any difference telling others what you feel,etc is one of my major characteristic. And my heart was yelling at myself, 'Ko cakap orang tu x friendly, senyap, bla bla bla, tapi ko same je!!'
And I hate having to face those kind of people. And the quiet and awkward situation. Meaning..I hate myself more for being one of those people. It is difficult for other peole to understand you and talk to you. It is as if there is a huge barrier between you and other people. And in the end, it makes you a loner. You will feel lonely and nobody cared about you.
Although the interview didn't go much as i expected, I learnt something new. Something that has a huge impact on me. I need to change. No more senyap2, shy2, too secretive, too cautios of what others were thinking of me, and be brave to express yourself. And like what Azwan used to tell me, 'SMILE' always..because it's going to make your face expression less 'scary'...haha..InsyaAllah these changes will bring the positive side of me and brighten up my life (I wish!!)
Tuesday, November 3
- totally forgot about the existance of the exam card..i thought i've thrown it out. after doing a bit of 'selongkar' here and there during the weeknd, i still can't find it. in the end, i found it. it was safely and neatly kept in my purse
- forgot to put my name for the english class homework
- forgot where i put the padlock. kelam kabut cari padlock on monday for the anatomy class. found it inside my bag all along
- forgot to save the assignment after editing it for 2 hours.haih~ have do start it all over again..stress!!
- forgot to bring the super important file to anatomy class..and i have to run back to the flat to get it within 5 minutes(or less!!)..rase cm bodoh je lari pagi2 tue..
i know..human are forgeful...that's the nature of human created by God..however, as the saying goes.."Islam itu mudah"...Allah never wanted to burden us..that's why the doa qunut exist..He knows that we are not perfect..
Since we are very forgetful, we need constant reminders..reminders can be in any form, from anyone, as long as it is a good one, the one that can lead us closer to Allah..
"berpesan kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran"
(i forgot the term in arabic:- i need a reminder on this as well)
demi masa. sungguh, manusia berada dalam kerugian.kecuali org2 yg beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan serta saling menasihati dgn kebenaran dan saling menasihati dgn kesabaran. (surah Al-Ashr)
ps: sorry. i want to translate it into english but i am afraid my translation can go wrong. next time i'll find the english translation of the quran..
hesitation leads to changes??
so don't be surprised if this blog is going to have general topic, unlike the previous post..i know it sounds boring but i'm going to crack my head up and magically turn those boring topic into a very interesting and hilarious discussion (coz i can't stand boring stuff either!!).
*bukan name sebenar
Friday, October 30
i think she was referring to us. we were 15 minutes late for the gp visit yesterday and we got the email today...i admit it was our fault..we should have go earlier (though i blame the taxi driver for being late as well!!)
this incident had somehow ruined my image as a good student..and the professionalism as a future doctor as well..dah la aritu x gi seminar, which was compulsory..i'm pretty sure that there's some notes in my record in the medical school, regarding the seminar thingie and also being late for gp visit..haih~since darjah 1 smpai la kt IB xpenah ade record..i mean, i do 'fly' during high school and in kms, seludup buku out of library, and lots more (owh..forgive me for these sins)but somehow i manage to get away. record bersih kot spanjang 20taun idup..tanye je la sape2 about me..mesti dorg kate syamin budak baek(hehe..but dont ask my previous roomate and those i'm closed with) but here..things were different..it doesnt go my way..hurm...
i need to work on something to make things right again..but how???what can i do?? i guess nothing...i can't turn back the time to fix all the wrongdoings..but maybe i can reflect back and improve myself..yep..let's see whether i'm gonna be better or not..
Wednesday, October 28
Defining Moment...
somebody at the back shouted. yeah..it was a lecture in RB Green Lecture Hall and surprisingly, the handouts werent enough for all the sudents including Khausar and I. most of the students were in their seatsalready. frustrated, those who didnt get the handout went to find their seats, including me. i sat next to qiehah, hoping that somehow handouts will appear magically out of nowhere. as if Allah granting my wish, a chinese girl headed to the front and put two extra handouts on the table. before somebody else took it, i quickly get up and grab the handouts. There were only two handouts, meant for me and khausar.
Out of sudden, before I could walk back to my seats, there was like a roar at the right side of the hall. it was from the two rows behind my seat.
"please, give the handouts to us"
"we need those handouts "
then i spotted Dan in the same row yelling, "Min...Min...", with the 'min give those handout to us, dont give it to others...' expression..yeah..it was kinda naughty expression..huhu
and i was like blinking for a second, a bit hesitated. eventually, i passed the handout to one of them. it was then i realized everybody was looking at me. i quickly sat at the seat, change my mind few seconds later and move up to sit beside khausar to share the handout.
again, before i could stand up, in the middle of the noises, i heard a girl say,
"oh..that's so sweet..."
and one of the girl behind me gave me back my handout. startled, i said it was ok..i can share with khausar. still the whole row of the girls insist me to take the it.
"take it. it's yours if u havent got one."
not wanting to make things more complicated, i took it and sat. the lectures starts few minutes later.
seriously, the incident affected me a lot..i couldn't concentrate on the lecturer throughout the whole 1 hour lecture...kept thinking about what had happened. these are few things that keeps my mind away from the lecturer..huhu..
- those were Dan's friends...the huha2 type..the naughty kind of guys who loves party.. i was thinking what was their reaction...and i wonder whether Dan is going to tell them about me, his partner...
- "oh..that's so sweet..." this affected me a lot...it seems like they were kinda impressed seeing someone gave their own handout to others...as if things like that had never ever happened before..
- i felt a bit happy and relieved to have potrayed a good image of malaysian, NUMed student and the most importantly, as a muslim...it feels good to get a positive impressions form other people...coz i thought the full course student kinda have negative impression on the NUMed student...and i hate it!!
Sunday, October 25
night = sleep ??
and it's already maghrib.
and it's dark outside.
as if it's 9pm in Malaysia.
and isyak will come soon.
at 6.39pm
the nights are getting longer.
does that mean that i'm gonna sleep longer??
another sigh~
and tomorrow i have the family visit at 7.30pm
maybe i'll be home around 10pm
which gonna be very late and dark
and i have to pass across the leazes park, alone to get home
which is kinda spooky
more sigh~
should i bring torchlight or a weapon for self defense???
Saturday, October 17
and honestly..it didnt go as much as i expected...
and believe me..its not worth the money i've spent..11 pound melayang begitu sahaje...
so..the moral of the story: plan ahead before u go somewhere!!!
Wednesday, October 7
cheese and wine
- there'll be lots of wine served...
- cheese isnt my fav food (not to mention some cheeze products here are not halal)
- it's an englishman 'social event'...u know what i mean..combined with reason no. 1..there'll be lots and lots of mabuk people...
and so..i didnt go. i told my peer parent that i cant make it to the event coz i'm not feeling very well bcoz of the rain or something...(typical alasan but then thank God for the rain even though it juz a bit drizzle...).
and then he replied...
Hey Syamin,
Am sorry to hear you're not feeling well... don't worry about cheese and wine!
If you fancied getting together for a coffee or lunch or something sometime then let me know - it'd be great to meet you!
and I was like.."ooowwhhhh...sweetnyer..."
he juz want to meet up and help me with anything he could..
and i lied to him...felt guilty for lying...
Saturday, October 3
1. i didnt notice that i have a deep,long scratch on my right hands..yeap..its bleeding but like i said..i didnt notice it..maybe because of the cold weather that makes my pain nerve mulfunction..l
ike last night..i accidentally cut myself while doing the dishes..it was quite deep and blood was pouring continously..yet i didnt feel anything..weird huh?
2. the wind was blowing strongly today...kalah angin kt beach..and at one time..while i was walking to the laundry..there's wind blowing against me..and i was like cant move forward even though i was trying so hard to move my right leg a step ahead..as if the wind put me on stop or something..funy isnt it??
3. the other students(other than malaysian obviously) seems to refuse to take a seat next to us(khausar and i) in the lecture hall..we've been experimenting a few times so that we can have other people to mix with..but then like yesterday it ends upwith only khausar and me on that row..hurmm...maybe we need to change our strategy...any ideas??
4. cant help it but im always very2 sleepy at 9pm...i dont know why...thats the reason i went to bed so early..kinda weird bcoz back in Malaysia, im always person whos gonna switch off the light at night..is it jetlag??i dont know.........
Tuesday, September 29
Monday, September 21
cerita AKU dan KASUT di pai RAYA
enfon bunyik lagu 'error'..sape lak kol tga2 mlm ni..bru je nk tdo..
min: ello..
akak: min!!!!!!awk buat ape??
min: huh??tdo~
akak: bgun la..da smayg blom??
min: lmbat lg la..skang bru 5.30 kot..(berdasarkn pengalaman alarm kol 6.20 x bunyik lg..)
akak: hah??bukan ke sane da 6.30 ke??
min: blom la..da la..jgn kol la..mahal kot..(alasan..padahal mls nk ckp..nk smbung tdo)
akak: ala..ske ati la..akak nyer kedit..
min: mahal2..ok tata..bye~
ish..kacau je..bru nk tdo..kol bape da nie??(smbil tgok jam kt enpon)
shoot!!!6.40!!nape alarm x bunyi!!
siot tol phone nih..,kn da lmbat 5 min..sian lak kak zahara kene tgu nnt..
kuar uma nk kai kasut...??????damn!!nape kasut ade sbelah je??
kasut khausar pn sbelah je..qieha ngan pika da tgu da kt luar..
pika: kasut korg ni act ade kt dlm mailbox..satu kt mailbox korg..satu lg kt mailbox kitorg..ni pn kitorg yg kuarkn..n then smalm korg dgr x ade org ketuk pintu byk2 kali..dlm kol 2 am lbey..
min: xtau pn..(muke blur dan risau pikir psal kasut..)
min: boley x korg tolong tgokkan kasut ktorg kt bawah..maybe ade org amek n cmpak2 kn kt luar..thanx!!
pika: ktorg jmpe kasut khausar je..ni pn kt luar block..
sedeynye..kasut tu bru beli smalam kt primark..even though mura je(1 pound only..) but still kasut tu bez sbb x sakit kaki..
and so i'm left with 2 shoes..:
1. sport shoes yg klu pakai mmg sakit kaki..
2. boots
ok2..min..calm down..think fast!!which shoes u'll wear??
ok..sport shoes tuh mmg sakit kaki..my ankle rase cm nk cabut klu wear that shoes..
that boots lak have 2.5 inch heels..anyone's feet is gonna hurt wearing that thing!!
okayh..since both is gonna hurt my feet..i chose the boots coz its more suitable with bju kurung..
maka..dgn bersusah payah jalan la about 2km to the masjid tauhid to perform eid prayer..since i was walking like itik..i was the last person to enter the entrance..
masuk2 je..masjid full..mmg da xley nk squeeze in da..so i just stand at the place where people letak2 kasut kt lantai..suddenly a lay standing beside me angkat takbir..nk smayg raye..i was like huh??xkan kot..cmne nk sujud??bwh ni sume kasut2..
after a while i was like spontaneously put my bag on the sea of shoes in front of me and prepared to pray..dlm hati ckp..ah..bantai je la..mcm ade karma lak ngan shoes today..
6.30 pm
letih giler raya kt 6 houses..and every houses makan heavy.normallykt msia raya mkn kueh raya je..kt sini bantai nasik minyak, lemang, lontong, rendang, soto, nasik briyani..toffee cake, choc cake..all the food was superb!!!
the thing that makes me super tired that we walked to each houses and im wearing that damn boots..my feet hurts like hell!!and it takes like double the energy to walk fast with that boots so that i can catch up with everybody else(yeah..people here walk super fast!!)
and walking back to our acomodation in ricky road with the chilly wind takes like forever...
bile da smpai kt entrance flat 11 i was looking here n there hoping to find my shoes..tibe2
qieha: min!!tu..nmpak x??
min: ape???mane??
that's when i saw the other shoes..flat at the 1st floor, the window was open..and top of that was my shoes..as if it was on display or sth..dengan muke tebal 10 inch i took the shoes..there was like at least 6 people in there..all males looking at me with great interest..then they burst out laughing out loud..i can hear one of them said 'oh..that's the one!!'
hati mmg siyes geram but then xley nk wat ape..mmg cmni kot prangai dorg..pranks here and there..since that day mmg kasut kitorg da x tiggal kt luar da..sume bwak msuk dlm..serik da..tp ni mmg experience in people's country..alhamdulillah kasut tue mmg jumpe balik even though not in the way i expected..rezeki comes in various way rite??and thats my rezeki on 1st syawal...
Thursday, September 17
tips and taps...haha
1. jangan x tdo b4 fly..sbb lam flight nnt susah nk tdo..klu dpt tdo pn..skejap je da terjaga..u thought u da tdo sgt lame tau..but then bile tgok jam..la...xsmpai sejam pn tdo..very frustrating bcoz rase cm sgt penat duk lam aeroplane tuh..even video or songs yg ade x brape membantu..hehe..
2. luggage boley bwk up to 25 kg..mine was 25.5kg..tp mas baek..die lepas je..huhu..but then korg kene check transit flight korg gak..cm ktorg from amsterdam to nwcastle nek klm..and klm boley bwak up to 30 kg..and alhamdulillah imegresen x kene pape pn..lepas cm2 je..huhu
3. practice tido ikut timing kt country yg korg bakal fly..klu x nnt time org tido time org jaga..and jaga time org tido..hehe..
ni je kot yg sempat type...pasni nk kuar settle few things..will be continue IA...
Sunday, September 13
counting hours
and I'm bored..
xtau nk watpe..
atas suggestion izzat..saya xmo tdo..
tp..nk watpe ye??
1. tv..bru peas tgok tv td..lgpn xde citer best pn...
2. pack..saye da lame pack..huhu..ni sume gara2 bosan tahap dewa...check in luggage 24kg..hand luggage 11 kg..ape pndapat anda??
3. online..ye saye tga online skang..klu x..xde la post ni..huhu..
4. tdo..pasni tdo lg..xbesh la..
5. bce buku..da xde buku bez da..sume buku utk tdo je..haha
6. contact sdare mare...phone no dorg sume lam phone ibu..ibu da tdo..dorg pn msti da tdo..esok je la..
7. maen kucing..dorg pn msti bz hunting..xpon tdo gak..haha
kesinmpulannya..saya xtau nk wat ape da slaen online dan wat quiz ntah pape kt fesbuk tuh...hu~
Saturday, September 12
even though x cntik cm 09.09.09, aku xkesah...aku lg suke sbb ade no. 14..hehe~
cm x caye je luse da nk berterbangan...tulat da xde kt msia da...
selamat tinggal semua...
parents, abang, kakak, ijat, jiji, bob, vee, maksu, paksu, shira, danish, pak long n family, wan, cikgu2, kawan2, dan saudare mare...
saya mintak maaf dri hujung rmbut smpai ke hujung kaki..
saya jugak nk wish
mohon maaf sekiranya ade sebarang khilaf sepanjang perkenalan kita..
wish awal2 kot xsempat...heh~
Thursday, September 10
don't mess with my mum, things can get ugly..
btw few weeks ago, time wat med checkup..after 3 weeks(thanx a lot to govt hospital) boley la gi amek result darah n sume2...but then..my blood test result gone missing!!!
ade beberapa kemungkinan:
1. med assistant tu curik darah aku..die nk wat test gak tp takot darah die kotor(with hiv or hep B..i dont know..)
2. sebab byk sgt tabung uji yg berisi darah(ade 5) one of them terpecah..and the person responsible for it takut kene marah ngan so die wat bodo je..
3. darah da smpai lab..but then the lab assistant mistaken it as syrup cordial(xlogic lgsung) and dia wat la air sirap...
4. nurse yg jage counter tu dengki ngan aku(x tau ar nape) result tu ader tp die ckp xde..sadis tol..
haha..end upjumpe la nurse kt counter 5 to solve this prob..guess what?? dgan muke masam and lgsung xpndg ktorg die ckp buat another test..3 weeks lg siap la..
hey..next 2 weeks dank fly..nk anta med check up kt mara lg..wat the heck??
and bermula lah 'perang' between my mum and that particular nurse..owh..that war did not end at the hospital..but smbung lg kt uma via phone..owh..owh.. seriously things were super ugly back then..end up my mum won(hey,,ibu mane ley kalah..)
the nurse apologised and told that i am schedule to do the test tomorrow and we can get the result done on that particular day..(wow..super cepat!!!)
the moral of the story is...never ever mess with my mum!!!
Saturday, July 18
*not in the pic :- Bob and Bella@Nala
even though jiji's kitties are from different races (yep..we got chinese, indian, malay and minah salleh), but all four ofthem are muslim..rite jiji??
Monday, July 13
lappy tappy
bile da reformat tuh igtkan kene byar RM30 (mahal seh..)ttbe org tuh tnye
"1st time ke reformat??"
"FOC je la cmtu"
oohhhooo....what a luck..bestnyer..jimat duet sket.just bayar for the adapter je la..huhu
now my laptop is as good as new..cam ade laptop baru lak..hepinyer..
Tuesday, July 7
therefore,,this blog is in danger as few person tried to track it(actually a person has already read this blog and leave few comments..i dunno who the person is but im 99% sure he is a kmb student..am i right??)
ps: to dearest sis..wait till ive gone overseas.when i wont be seeing you for a long long time then u can read this craps.
Monday, June 29
story books
MERCY by Jodi Picoult
- this book is about euthanasia. i thought it was a great story since i read other Jodi's book MY SISTER'S KEEPER and it was fantastic!! Apparantly..i was wrong..it was so damn boring!!!(i dont know haw i managed to get to the last page)
A PLACE CALLED HERE by Cecilia Ahern
- reading this book makes me wonder "Am I reading a children's book?? I thought this is for adults..." seriously i wont recommend this books unless you think like a 10-year-old and you love reading alice in wonderland over and over again.
- its a fantastic book!!the format differs from any other books as it was written in a dialog and letters and emails and instant msg kind of way..the story line is good too but maybe a little bit long for the writer to wrap up the story. it's like you already know the ending but huh..its a long way to go..
-this is book no.3 of Heather Wells mystery...i like the story line but then again the main character(Heather) was thinking too much!! she had this monolog kind of thing and babbles all the time.
well..there are more books i'd like to comment but this post is getting longer and longer(and i hate long post!!!).so better publish this right now before its getting longer.........
NUMeds interview
well for one thing..the interview session was held in a small room(my toilet is bigger than that!!) and me and the interviewers were sitting like some friends lepaking at the mamaks having some nice little chat(lol..if only thats true). what's more, it was the longest interview that i had in my entire life!! it was like 40 minutes in there..
I cant remember what crap things i've said back then. But one thing that stayed in my head is:
me: well..I don't intend on being doctor forever..after i get my MBBS i'll serve as a doctor for maybe 7-10 years and then i'm planning to do research..be a researcher.(why did i ever said this!!should have keep my mouth shut for good!!)
interviewer: so you're planning to do research..it is such a waste after the long years of study, the hardships you've gone through to become a doctor.but then again..what will other people, the community, and MARA itself would feel if you left the profession?
me: (OMG...i am so DEAD!!)...............
Monday, May 25
Things i'm gonna miss most leaving KMS
xtau knape..tapi suke gler tgk bende ni..lol
what i meant was learning in KMS...
eventhough the place is like...you know what it's like
but then..the teachers..friends..environment..is what i'm gonna miss most!!
(time ni buku bsepah ckit sbb exam)
Night of Glitz and Glory
IB exam
eventhough exam nak abes..aku tls gak post ni sbb cm xde keje (keje byk je tp mls nak wat)..haha..seriously few days before exam tuh mls gler nak study...men game je..the same thing happen during the 3 weeks of examination..haha..bukan aku sorg je..dak2 len pn cm2 gak..1 bende yg aku slalu pikir tme tuh..even time tga jwb exam pn terpikir bnde tue gak..
kan bez kalau xyah amek exam...IBO juz amek result predicted je
1. sume student hepi - ye ar..knfm2 sume dpt tinggi..terlebih cnfm sume dapat above 35...dpt fly..yay!!!
2. cikgu2 pn hepi - sape x hepi result student tinggije..name kolej pn naek..pgarah pn suke...
3. pemeriksa paper exam pn bley rilek2..xyah pening2 bce handwriting ktorg yg buruk gler especially paper biz..
4. xyah bazir duet post exam paper kt jepun,geneva,us,mane ntah lagi...huhuhu
dengan cara ni je sume org hepi..it's a win-win situation..kan bez utk sume org
but it's too late..ktorg da pun abes exam..tp junior2 bley la doa jd cmtu...mane tau jd btol2..ade gempa bumi ke..and paper exam ilang..hahaha..
Friday, January 30
pet society
cant stop playing it
you should try it too!!
Saturday, January 10
I miss the tiger-looking teacher, who's always on time for her class carrying a mug filled with lots of markers. She's the one who give me 50 cents for answering a question.
Well today is the first day of mrs Halimatun entering our class. Basically she is totally different from ckgu Khomah. She teaches soft and slow. Ithink I might get bored before the class ends. Well, this is only what I have tought. Maybe it will turn out differently, who knows???just give it a try then
Anyway, I get my chemistry paper today. It was like hell. Silly mistakes here and there. Especially the calculations part. OMG!! What happened to me?? I used to be good in math. Maybe I need more exercise .