Wednesday, October 7

cheese and wine

i didnt come to cheese and wine party /event last nite..cuz....
  1. there'll be lots of wine served...
  2. cheese isnt my fav food (not to mention some cheeze products here are not halal)
  3. it's an englishman 'social event'...u know what i mean..combined with reason no. 1..there'll be lots and lots of mabuk people...

and so..i didnt go. i told my peer parent that i cant make it to the event coz i'm not feeling very well bcoz of the rain or something...(typical alasan but then thank God for the rain even though it juz a bit drizzle...).

and then he replied...

Hey Syamin,

Am sorry to hear you're not feeling well... don't worry about cheese and wine!

If you fancied getting together for a coffee or lunch or something sometime then let me know - it'd be great to meet you!


and I was like.."ooowwhhhh...sweetnyer..."

he juz want to meet up and help me with anything he could..

and i lied to him...felt guilty for lying...


Faiz Nadzam said...

stiap sorg dpt family angkat ke? or ko carik sndri?
btw, cakap straight je ko muslim n xleh wine. diorg respect nye. aku prnah gak jd camni time dulu2.

Syamin said...

bkn more to abg angkt..dorg 2nd year med stdnt..
yup..sorg dpt satu
huhu..btw thanx for the advice..nnt aku try ckp kt die..

khausar said...

seriusly, tom is just sooo schweeet.. mmg layak die dipanggil daddy arr camni...woot woot~~~

and u dont like cheese????? wat??!!! cheese tart and cheese cake sedayp lah !!!

Syamin said...

i luv my daddy!!!
my tekak cant take in some of the cheese products just as i cant take fresh milk..tekak felt loya klu makan..

Anonymous said...

try to be wee bit adventurous. know your own limit thou. you might discover something exciting. that's what a new culture is about. people will respect you for trying. :)

Unknown said...

heheh.. yo min.. da ade ayah da kat sane??ces2.. man.. i would luv 2 replace u.. cheeeeze... kat sini mkn salami je 24/7.. anyway.. take care..

Syamin said...

anonymous:here..people get drunk everyday..we can hear them screaming, laughing,singing, from our flat which is on the top floor..agak takut jugak nk kuar rumah mlm2..but then kdg2 cm teringin nk experience night life dorg...any suggestions??

azhani:yup..daddy yg xpenah come here..we got abundant supply of cheeze kt sini..juz bring ur money$$$

s.e said...

weh. guess what? only today i found out u have a blog. hahahaha. hello =)

Syamin said...

haha..not surprising..most people pn bru tau..

-Shafawati- said...

syamin, tak baik tipu org tua...

syamin said...

huhu..i think tom is younge than me..sbb most locals students masuk uni at 18 maybe he's 19 skarg..huhu..