Wednesday, May 5

marah (part 2)

kenapa kite marah???
sbb manusia ade perasaan..and marah is one of the perasaan that we have. kita akan marah bile something yg x best or yg kite x suka happen and menyakitkan hati kite..

tu intro...seriously, da mls nk post kt blog ni..why??more readers, especially yg xbest la nk kasi you guys bace bnde mrapu2 or lagha...kene la tulis something yg berilmiah sket...or at least something yg ade moral value ke...and to write something like that, i have to think and think and think...

honestly, what's with the previous post??
hurm...ntahla...fikir2 blik..pelik gak cmne ley nek angin smpi cmtu skali...maybe disbbkan stress...stress blaja, stress environment, dan mcm2 lg stress kt sini....probs die kecik je..klu cite pn..mst kene gelak...cuz mmg x msuk akal n agak klaka klu fikir dah namenye time tu tga stress, maka terhamburlah sume2 bnde yg ntah pape tu...since i'm a girl, probability utk ungkit-mengungkit tu amat la tinggi...setinggi mount Eyjafjallajoekull itu...

so...the moral of the story???
ntah la.. i didnt think much while writing this...tgok la..language pn cm rojak...but i think marah is something negative, something that can drains off ur energy.and klu x silap syaitan suke tgok anak adam ni cite habil dan qabil tu...yela..bile da marah, kite hilang pertimbangan diri... tend utk maki hamun, mengumpat, mencarut, pukul2, hempas2 barang and doing things yg mmbawa kpd keburukan n dosa..

x best la kn buat sume bnde ntah pape ni...bile marah da reda..cnfm mnyesal...rase diri sndiri cm bodoh je wat sume bnde tu...ape la...lg xbest bile musuh kite(syaitan la..) happy smacam je tgok kite tga, pasni,(refer dri sndiri) sila la cntrol urself...


Anonymous said...

good, it is not good, be hepi n smile always, no probs kn..

Syamin said...

anonymous yg kononnye anonymous: happy now...